18.03 – 19.03.2023
Performance: 18.03.2023, 19:00
KOMPLOT, Place du Conseil 4 Raadsplein, 1070 Anderlecht
Winter, it’s time to go now, Spring be welcome!
In a warm glow, we serve medicinal teas and seasonal snacks. We treat your feet against winter ailments with recipes from folk medicine. We cut away our winter fur and connect with the wild boar within us.
You are welcome to join our Spring Celebration TUSKS ?:?, hosted by Evelien Alexiou, Marjolein Callewaert, Stan D’Haene, Bart Van Dijck & Komplot. Curated by Koi Persyn.
Bart Van Dijck is a belgian artist who addresses the unknowns in the human psyche and the collective consciousness. Ceremonies stand at the heart of his practice. He considers ritual gatherings as moments where communities express their identities and as instances where the individual and the group merge. Rites of passage and shamanism have been fascinating him for a long time and have a profound impact on his current way of working. In his recent interactions he questions traditional ways of presenting art. His main goal is not to create artistic artefacts or objects but, rather, he explores new ways of valuing the intangible results of his work — for example by exploring how the experiences of participants can be fully integrated in the artistic work. By experimenting with participation, collaboration and ritualization, Van Dijck employs art as a tool for personal transformation through collective interaction.
Some of his recurring projects include: TUSKS 1:1 Spring Celebration (with Stan D’Haene), What the Fire Brings, SMTH SSNK NGHTWLK, Înterzone Smmr Camp, Ancestor Walk, Dying Bear Meditation (with Casper Fitzhue), Nestvlieders (with Ignace Cami) and ÎNTERZONE TRANCE SESSION (with Evelien Alexiou, Marjolein Callewaert & Rune Tuerlinckx).
Stan D’Haene (b. 1994 in Belgium) lives and works in Oslo. They graduated with the MA in Autonomous Design at KASK School of Arts, Ghent. They also studied Fine Art at LUCA-arts in Ghent and Media Art at ASP in Warsaw.
Some of the methods central to their practice are rituals, rewriting, appearances, and graffiti. They investigate self-organized dissemination via small-press and video, and alternative exhibiting approaches such as off-site and online. They invite you to travel along and explore the value of process-oriented art, open scripts, and the spiritual experience of the journey. Stan is a member of the Tenthaus collective where they garden the gallery since 2019, and a member of the Graa collective since 2022. Since 2018 they perform an annual participatory spring ritual with Bart Van Dijck. Other collaborators include Artur Cincio, Sadrie Alves, Kier Cooke Sandvik, and Stachu Szumski.
With the support of Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, COCOF, VGC and Anderlecht.