With Kasper Demeulemeester, Jakob Van den Broucke and the members of Section Moortebeek
Opening: 31.05.2024, 18:00 – 22:00
Performance by Steven Jouwersma | 20:00
Exhibition :
01.06 > 02-06 | 14:00 – 18:00
03.06 > 06.06 | by appointment _ call : +32474.083.149
07.06 > 09-06 | 14:00 – 18:00
Komplot, Place du Conseil 4 Raadsplein, 1070 Anderlecht

Since 2021, Kasper Demeulemeester has been in Moortebeek, the place where he moved to retire as an artist. His daily life is a reflection of the ubiquitous utopia there.
In 2022, he invited Jakob Van den Broucke to work there, with the perspective of the studio artist from Ostend. Together with a heap of other entities, they founded Section Moortebeek in 2023. Operating within the sphere of garden village Moortebeek and its absent archive, the section narrates utopian aspiration, generational transformation and cooperative effort. What that means, where that leads to, how you can relate to Moortebeek, all that takes shape in the environment Moortebeek that will be on display at Komplot from May 31 to June 9.
Part 2 of HOW NOW, the publication of Section Moortebeek, will also be presented there.In addition, on June 9, election day, the section will organize Assembly ⟺ Disassembly, a meeting to collectively deal with our uncertainties regarding the results of the democratic (realized) utopia.
Temporary Information Center, section Moortebeek is a semi-fictional cooperative of entities that operates within the realms of both the imaginary and the real. As a semiotic entity Section Moortebeekcould be conceived of as a composite of reifiable entities that holds the middle between a blueprint, a novel, a prospectus, a political tract, an attempt at a manifesto, a philosophical discourse, an actual state, or just a plain fantasy.
In Section Moortebeek, entities are conceived as carriers of information, proceeding from the middle, thus generating an archival practice, an impetus for communal activities and an evolving art/net-work which is composed as one where information about the work coincides with the work itself.
The executive committee is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of Section Moortebeek and dreaming up the constituent entities and their intra-actions. Section Moortebeek appointed artist Jakob Van den Broucke and retired artist Kasper Demeulemeester as Executive Committee, with the task and mission to share the existence of the section with the world.
A coproduction with
nadine – laboratory of contemporary arts
With the support of
Fédération Wallonie – Bruxelles, VGC, COCOF, Cultuurdienst Anderlecht, Dutch Embassy and MUS-E