Opening: 07.11.2024, 18:00
07.11.24 – 05.12.24
Curators: Jakob Floess & Maria Margolina
Komplot, Place du Conseil 4 Raadsplein, 1070 Anderlecht
Links / Daily Lazy

About Cryptogramme
Derived from the Greek root κρυπτός, meaning “hidden” or “concealed,” κρυπτός encapsulates the idea of veiling information, actions, or intentions from public scrutiny. This term often reflects the delicate balancing act performed by governments, institutions, and individuals when deciding what to reveal and what to keep shrouded in secrecy. In Cryptogramme, six positions converge as a collective generator of a code consisting of pictorial, sculptural, and acoustic hash functions that transcend their utilitarian roles as mere tools for securing information. Cryptogramme emerges as a complex semiotic and pictorial tool of countermeasure – generating a collective code, deconstructing binary oppositions, and fostering new networks of knowledge.
With the support of Kunsten punt, Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, COCOF, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Cultuurdienst Anderlecht

CRYPTOGRAMME, Overview, 2024, Komplot Brussels