
Art Anderlecht


visuals: Noé Vandeslycken

Art Anderlecht

An art trail that connect different artist activities, collective studios, and non-commercial off spaces. Art Anderlecht is a vast space for meetings, creation and experimentation, for everyone. A space for our stories. Art Anderlecht draws an artistic path linking artist-run spaces, collective workshops and different non-profit organizations. 

Art Anderlecht is an experimental, non-profit initiative, accessible to all. 

Art Anderlecht explores the diversity of art and culture that develops on a local scene. The walking route makes the lesser known streets and forgotten corners of Cureghem visible to the visitor on foot or by bike. During a weekend, five locations invite you to discover their program: open workshops, exhibitions, performances, concerts and much more.


This year  Casse-dalle, Gilbard, Komplot, Moussem, NICC, Tictac Art Centre, Vroom, Zinnema and Brussels Artist-run Network wil patricipate in the program bringing public talks, performances, presentations and diverse new shows.


  • VROOM: Vernissage Dot dot dot – Group exhibition 13.09. – 18:00-21:00
  • Komplot: Vernissage Second Impression Krone Couronne – Group exhibition 14.09. – 18:00-21:00
  • Zinnema: exhibition BARSTEN with Johanna Haerens and Silke Reyntjens open during Art Anderlecht
  • Gilbard: exhibition ‘Zones’ by Pauline Vanden Neste and Tom Lyon during Art Anderlecht Friday 13:30 to 18:00
  • Tictac Art Centre: fashion designer Sinpatron will finish his 2 week residency and the audience are also welcome to visit the gallery and see his work. In the Gallery on Friday

  • Brussels Artist-run Network @ Komplot: Spaces for Spaces: – 13.09. 14:00 – 16:00
    Public talk about –The Value of Space for Artistic Work
    With Maximilan Royakkers and Ciel Grommen and the artistic intervention of Katinka De Jonge

  • NICC: proposes during Art Anderlecht, an open discussion on what it means and what it takes to work together

  • Moussem: during Art Anderlecht.
  • Gilbard: Friday 13:30pm to 18:00.
  • casse-dalle: Together, turning a concrete slab, a car park into a minimal garden, during Art Anderlecht.

  • Tictac Art Centre: SSS2: Melissa on the Friday at 19:00


1. Casse-dalle is a collective of designer architects born in June 2018. They work on a variety of projects – architecture, art installations, scenography, urban installations – , questioning uses, practices, perceptions, the city and materials.  and materials. Based in Anderlecht since 2019, Gilbard is an ASBL that works with re-use materials to develop local projects around art and design.

Adress: Rue de LiverpoolStraat 43B

2. Gilbard  Based in Anderlecht since 2019, Gilbard is an non-profit that works with re-use materials to develop local projects around art and design. Experiment, Exchange, Promote: The collective carries out various activities around a living and exchange space.

Adress: Rue de LiverpoolStraat 77, 1070 Anderlecht

4. Komplot is a curatorial collective, founded in 2002 in Brussels, which accompanies artists, collectives and curators in their artistic practices. Its programming consists of exhibitions, editions, films, meetings, workshops and events.

Adress: Place du conseil, 4, Raasdplein, Anderlecht 1070

5. Moussem is an international arts centre dedicated to the development, production, and presentation of visual and performing arts. Through a strong residency programme and enduring partnerships with (inter)national art venues, the organisation invests in the comprehensive growth of artists and their creative work. Moussem contributes to the interculturalization of the Flemish and Brussels arts landscape. The centre focuses on a diverse urban audience.

Adress: Rue des Mégissiers 6, 1070 Anderlecht

6. NICC is an artist-run, non-profit vzw, creating space for interaction between visual artists, institutions and society. NICC operates with specific attention to the socio-economic position of visual artists, and does so within local, regional and international registers.

The core activity of NICC is to promote and critique knowledge about the development of the artistic practice and the framework within which this takes place, and to feed the debate around it. NICC  functions as the first contact and representative of visual artists and strives for a strong social framework that enables visual artists to develop their artistic practice professionally and autonomously.

As a counter to monoculture, NICC chooses diversity as the central theme for its 5-year plan (2023-2027). In order to improve the well-being of the visual artist, NICC wants to be a platform where artists can meet and collaborate in their individuality and diversity on an equal footing.

Adress: rue de Liverpool 77 Liverpoolstraat, 1070 Anderlecht

7. Tictac Art Centre is the artistic home of David Zambrano and Mat Voorter. Its aim is to support the development of dance improvisation, spontaneous performance, and visual arts.
Through a selected program with invited artists, Tictac hosts workshopsperformances, and exhibitions during the whole year. 

Adress: Rue Emile Carpentier 34, 1070 Anderlecht

8. VROOM is an art space that brings the audience and artists together around experimental comics and contemporary drawing. With exhibitions, workshops, residencies, and events, we want to explore the zone between comics and visual arts. VROOM consists of a young multidisciplinary team of comic authors, visual artists, and cultural organizers.

Adress: rue dr de meersman straat 33, 1070 anderlecht

9. Zinnema Open Talent House in Brussels. Zinnema is the place where creativity comes to life! Zinnema supports, promotes and develops projects by leisure artists from Brussels and the Rand who express their imagination as a hobby, out of choice, but also out of necessity.

Adress: Veeweidestraat, 24-26, 1070 Anderlecht

(4. )Brussels Artist-run Network
The Brussels Artist-run Network
was founded in 2020 and brings together Brussels artists and art workers, for meeting, exchanging information and knowledge transfer, irrespective
of language background. There is
now contact between 114 Brussels collectives, spaces and initiatives,
plus countless individuals.
The network is constantly growing
and exists through personal contact,
a newsletter, a telegram group and various activities.

Adress: Komplot – Place du Conseil 4, 1070 Anderlecht

With the support of Kunsten punt, Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, COCOF, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Cultuurdienst Anderlecht